Friday, March 26, 2021

The BRIGHT SPOT Awards: Day 024

Sunday, March 7, 2021

Larry, Harbor Freight Tools
"For wonderful, light-hearted customer service. (Bonus points for being a musician!)"

Mike and I were at Office Depot to look at printers; Harbor Freight Tools just happened to be in the same shopping center, so we popped in to look for a 12-in-1 ratcheting screwdriver and a plunger.
(Five bathrooms between our former homes and not one plunger made it to the new house. How this happened I do not know, but I digress.)

That's where we met Larry. He's a smiling, good-humored guy with pep in his step who walked us over to the item we needed and rang us up when we were done shopping, pleasantly chatting about the guitar picks he's always finding in his pockets.

On paper it hardly seems worth noting, yet after interacting with Larry I felt this subtle sense of well-being. Like we were in the best of hands.
People like that are a gift to this world and are plenty deserving of this award.

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