Friday, March 26, 2021

The BRIGHT SPOT Awards: Day 022

Tuesday, March 2, 2021

John @ Whole Foods, Wash Park

This award goes to a fellow grocery store dancer.

It was one of those beautiful moments where you get lost in your rich inner life and forget you're out in public and start grooving in the dairy aisle only to then return to reality and become aware that someone witnessed your not-so-private dance party for one and you are 100% busted except it's OK because they were also grooving in the dairy aisle and who could blame anyone for grooving in the dairy aisle when "Uptight (Everything's Alright)" by Stevie Wonder is playing (nobody, that's who) and you bond over the shared silly experience and also the fact that our cool favorite Zeppelin songs of yesteryear are evidently today's Muzak.

Special thanks to Mike who let me use his back as a writing surface for this slip of cardstock and who also took notes on this experience because fatigue had left me with about two brain cells to rub together and I didn't trust myself to remember any of this. (Case in point: no photos at all whatsoever.)

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