Friday, March 26, 2021

The BRIGHT SPOT Awards: Day 025

Friday, March 12, 2021

Teresa C., Whole Foods, Belmar

I've stopped by the store on my way home from work because the blizzard of the century is heading our way and we need eggs and something else but I didn't make a list which means I'm relying on my capriciously selective memory and I have paused a few steps away from the checkout line to see if those missing items will bob up to the surface and while I am enjoying this foray into my rich inner life I do not notice right away the woman at the register trying to get my attention which she must have been doing for quite some time because when I finally snap back to reality she is WAVING HER ARMS in a big sweeping gesture as if she's trying to flag a passing ocean liner.

We both got a hearty laugh out of that one, so she wins.


The BRIGHT SPOT Awards: Day 024

Sunday, March 7, 2021

Larry, Harbor Freight Tools
"For wonderful, light-hearted customer service. (Bonus points for being a musician!)"

Mike and I were at Office Depot to look at printers; Harbor Freight Tools just happened to be in the same shopping center, so we popped in to look for a 12-in-1 ratcheting screwdriver and a plunger.
(Five bathrooms between our former homes and not one plunger made it to the new house. How this happened I do not know, but I digress.)

That's where we met Larry. He's a smiling, good-humored guy with pep in his step who walked us over to the item we needed and rang us up when we were done shopping, pleasantly chatting about the guitar picks he's always finding in his pockets.

On paper it hardly seems worth noting, yet after interacting with Larry I felt this subtle sense of well-being. Like we were in the best of hands.
People like that are a gift to this world and are plenty deserving of this award.

The BRIGHT SPOT Awards: Day 023

Saturday, March 6, 2021

Bailey, 5 Green Boxes, Platt Park

Mike and I stopped by this cool little store on the way home from one of our walks. Bailey was standing at the counter and so I started a conversation.

Me: Just curious…do you like working here?
Bailey: Yeah, I do.
Me: What about it do you like?
Bailey: Well, I'm an artist and there are so many beautiful things in the store.
Me: What kind of artist?
Bailey: I'm a painter.
Mike: Is any of your work available in the store?
Bailey: No, not yet. I've just started working here.

A painter! How wonderful! The world needs as many artists as it can get. 
Have an award.
"For: Sharing a bit about yourself and for making the world a nicer place and practicing your art!"

P.S.: Bailey was working when Mike went back without me to buy me a birthday present. She remembered us and had lovely things to say about the experience. It's not the reason I'm doing this project, but it surely was nice to hear.


The BRIGHT SPOT Awards: Day 022

Tuesday, March 2, 2021

John @ Whole Foods, Wash Park

This award goes to a fellow grocery store dancer.

It was one of those beautiful moments where you get lost in your rich inner life and forget you're out in public and start grooving in the dairy aisle only to then return to reality and become aware that someone witnessed your not-so-private dance party for one and you are 100% busted except it's OK because they were also grooving in the dairy aisle and who could blame anyone for grooving in the dairy aisle when "Uptight (Everything's Alright)" by Stevie Wonder is playing (nobody, that's who) and you bond over the shared silly experience and also the fact that our cool favorite Zeppelin songs of yesteryear are evidently today's Muzak.

Special thanks to Mike who let me use his back as a writing surface for this slip of cardstock and who also took notes on this experience because fatigue had left me with about two brain cells to rub together and I didn't trust myself to remember any of this. (Case in point: no photos at all whatsoever.)

The BRIGHT SPOT Awards: Day 021

Sunday, February 27, 2021

David, Walgreens, Evans & S. Marion

It's Sunday, 9:45 PM, and I've got to go out and find a stranger.

Walgreens is one of the few places one can find the Twist of Lime variety of SkinnyPop Popcorn, and I'm running low, so I decide to drive over. The store appears empty except for the cashier and another employee.

Two bags of popcorn. One package of cotton squares. Zero strangers.
I don't know the cashier, but I recognize him from prior visits. He's nice. 
Is that enough of a reason to give an award? No. Maybe. I don't know. 
It feels like cheating somehow. It feels like I'm failing. 
Oh well, I say to myself, maybe it's good enough to give the slip of cardstock because maybe it will brighten his day.

I move to the side so I can write out the thing but before I do it occurs to me to say:
"I'm just curious; do you like working here?"

He responds:
"This might sound weird, but I like giving good customer service. Making sure people are happier when they leave than when they arrive."


We talked some more. Walgreens is just one of his three jobs. He spoke with great pride about working at Sweet Cooie's, where they have chosen him specifically to train new hires in how to offer excellent customer service. Then he let me take his picture, and it was time to go.

 David, mission accomplished.


Monday, March 15, 2021

The BRIGHT SPOT Awards: Day 020

Friday, February 26, 2021

The family of four, Park Burger, Platt Park

Said family was sitting at an adjacent table. 
The little boys (approximately one and a half and three years old) caught my attention because:
  1. they looked like they were the same number of years apart as Tim and Isaac, and
  2. they were acting in the manner of so many siblings, now the younger one wrapping his little fingers around his older brother's neck, now the older brother flattening his little brother like a pancake on the booth seat. 
I couldn't help making a friendly comment.

Me, standing at an acceptable social distance: Pardon me, but I'm just curious -- what's the age difference between these two?
Mom: A year and a half.
Me, pointing to Tim and Isaac: Just about the same.
Mike, from our table: It goes fast!
Mom, looking at Tim and Isaac: They're sitting so calmly...there's hope for us yet!
Me, to Mom: Yes!
Me, to myself: Everything is relative!

Tim and Isaac


The BRIGHT SPOT Awards: Day 019

Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Matthew and Audrey, The Irish Snug, Capitol Hill

My insistent hunger plus a craving for Guinness steak tips drove us out of the house in a hurry, hoping to get to the restaurant in enough time so we wouldn't be those customers. 
You know the ones: they saunter in ten minutes before closing, order a house salad and tap water, then stay for two hours. (Actually, this worst case scenario is only a guess because I've never worked in food service. Feel free to set the record straight.)

The Snug did not have steak tips -- and dear Snug management, please tell me this is a temporary, pandemic-fueled decision and not a permanent change -- but it did have Matthew and Audrey. 
They put delicious food and drink in front of us with great haste and and smiles behind their masks. Matthew was also responsible for cueing up "I Can't Go For That (No Can Do)" by BSA fan favorites, Hall and Oates.

Friendly service at The Irish snug, in an Irish snug.* 

*What's a snug? Find out here: The History of the Irish Snug: Mental Floss


The BRIGHT SPOT Awards: Day 018

Monday, February 22, 2021

Anaya, Whole Foods, Cherry Creek

I ask this question a lot, especially in the checkout line.
And it's not empty air. I really, genuinely, want to know.

Me: How's your evening treating you?
Anaya: Great!

Cool. Definitely not a common response.

Me: If you don't mind me asking, what is making your day great?
Anaya: Life!

A kindred spirit. Extra-cool.

She went on to say that life was good, it's important to appreciate it, and make the best of it. 
I do not remember what she said that was cackle-snort-inducing.
I do remember her joyful, grateful response, and how grateful I felt to witness it.


The BRIGHT SPOT Awards: Day 017

Sunday, February 21, 2021

Meredith, Sweet Cow, Platt Park

True confessions: I have had this award in mind for a while now. 
Figured anyone who was sitting at the open window, withstanding below-freezing temperatures on a dark winter's evening to take orders from crazy people for whom "ice cream weather" can be translated as "all the weathers", was well-deserving of an award.

The fact that Meredith did so in good cheer and with excellent attention to the finer points of name-spelling was the cherry on top of my outrageously delicious hot fudge sundae.


The BRIGHT SPOT Awards: Day 016

Saturday, February 20, 2021

Jack & Grant (plus their parents and friend of parents), Platt Park

Mike and I were walking down Pearl Street behind this group:

A half-block up, two men, one pushing one of those car seat-type-strollers.
Fifteen feet behind them, a woman and a toddler.

I was already amused by the toddler, who was determined to exercise his still-developing gross motor skills not on the smooth sidewalk, but on the bumpy and precarious roadway verge filled with fist-sized rocks, where he was making a stumbling beeline toward a young tree only slightly taller than he. When I turned to back to look at him as we passed, the serious expression of intense concentration on his tiny face as he reached for a thin, papery leaf was hilarious and made me laugh out loud. 

"They're with you?" I asked the two men who had paused to let the rest of their party catch up.
Jack (the toddler), Grant (the baby) and their folks were in town to visit their friends (new to Denver) and see for themselves if they'd like to relocate here. They asked us if we lived in the neighborhood, and we all had a lively conversation about Platt Park, places to eat, drink, get groceries, and so on. We gave them our recommendations, and this award.


The BRIGHT SPOT Awards: Day 015

Friday, February 19, 2021

Melany, Michaels @ River Point, Sheridan

A search for more metallic pens and cardstock that wouldn't absorb the metallic rubber stamping ink led me to Melany. We had a thorough discussion about writing implements and the search for the perfect match of pen and paper. I showed her my self-designed rubber stamp. She showed me the staggeringly fabulous, 100% reproduction-worthy Valentine's Day card she made for her boyfriend -- white ink on black cardstock, intricately sketched, two skeletons embracing, hand-lettering that looked like bones.

I was energized by the whole interaction. Yes, there was the joy of talking with someone who's as much of an art-supply geek as I am. More than that, she responded as a person and an artist, rather than strictly a sales associate. She didn't have to. She could have recommended the materials and sent me on my way.

The openness with which she shared her work and herself, well, that's one of the little miracles of human connection. That's one of the things that makes life worth living.

Sunday, March 14, 2021

The BRIGHT SPOT Awards: Day 014

Thursday, February 18, 2021

Lifetime Achievement Award Recipient:
Barbara, my mother

Mom will talk to anyone, anywhere, anytime. 
(If you're taking her anywhere, you need to build in time for this.)

As a kid, when we would volunteer to deliver Christmas (Thanksgiving?) meals from St. Peter's to people who couldn't make it to the church, she would hug every person we met. 
Whether they liked it or not.

Her prayer list is pages and pages long. If you mention someone you know who's going through a rough time, she will add them to the list even though she doesn't know them personally.

She is a big glowing ball of love, and I'm so lucky to have been raised and nurtured by her.


The BRIGHT SPOT Awards: Day 012 & Day 013

Wednesday, February 17, 2021


Jana V, course facilitator of Fanning the Flames: Using Writing to Launch Your Dreams
"for being a wonderful guide and a darn good friend! (Great class tonight 😊) 
Cecilia M, fellow course participant
"for being warm, for being wise, for being a true WOMAN on the RISE!"

Jana is someone I've known since we were a couple of college kids at UMass Amherst, singing disco songs while walking into town from our dorm, and inspiring awe (terror?) in a couple of our guy friends with our capacity to neatly put away a football-sized calzone and a half-pint of ice cream apiece. 

Cecilia -- to whom I will always be grateful for referring to us as "women on the rise" during one of our first classes -- is someone I've only just met.

If it wasn't for them, the BRIGHT SPOT Awards would not exist today.

One of Jana's writing exercises helped me unearth the desire to revive my blog, and one of her posts gave me the idea for the 100-day challenge. Cecilia has reminded me to keep the spirit of the project front and center, and that it's OK to change the rules to maintain said spirit.

Their inspiration and encouragement over the last month have been precious gifts.
Thank you, ladies.

Shameless Plug for a Friend:
Jana is a wonderful writing coach and course facilitator. 
Feel free to check out her website, Set Your Muse On Fire!

Saturday, March 13, 2021

The BRIGHT SPOT Awards: Day 011

Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Darina O'Hagan

"For the text that made me smile, the creativity and spirit that inspires me, and the friendship that continues after meeting one time, 12 years ago."

March, 2009: I was feeling restless and wanted to do something different to celebrate my 40th birthday. That "something" ended up being a week-long solo trip to Austin, staying at a hostel on South Lakeshore Boulevard.

It didn't take long to meet some folks and start spending time as a group, going out to hear live music, wandering around the U of T campus, or hanging out in the common room. Darina was one of those people.

She was a world traveler, documentarian, and all-around-creative person who was kind and gracious. 
We exchanged info, like you do when you meet while traveling, and kept in touch over the years via the occasional Facebook exchange or text.

This past December I got the idea in my head that I'd finally make good on my many threats to write by way of sending a Christmas card. When I pinged her for a good mailing address, I didn't expect more of a response than that. People are busy and it had been a long time. I was just tickled when she offered a bit of newsy catch-up in addition to her address.

This is the beauty of it all. 
Free of expectations, when contact or connection comes, you can receive it as the gift it most certainly is.


The lake

Phil, Matt, Ruben, me

The BRIGHT SPOT Awards: Day 010

Monday, February 15, 2021

The little girl in the parking lot @ King Soopers, University, Denver

Kids are masters of unfettered joy.
She was prancing around the produce section, and then dancing and skipping her way through the parking lot with her mom as Mike and I headed to the car with our bags.
It made me laugh out loud.

I was in the car, urgently scrawling the award message when Mike noted, "You better hurry up, they're about to drive away."
Well, who doesn't love sprinting up to a complete stranger and her child as they're about to drive away from the grocery store?

I reached them in time and handed the message through the partially open car door with a quick explanation that I was pretty certain wasn't sufficient reassurance of my good intentions and general sanity. 
No pictures were taken.

This is the part where, yet again, we practice letting go of the outcome. 
I have no control over how my gesture is received and that's not what this is about anyhow. 
The giving is the point, full stop.

Since "practice" is the operative word, I was too busy navigating myself away from a shame spiral to notice what was happening until Mike poked me in the arm and pointed it out -- Mom and kid merrily waving at us as they rolled past. That was nice.

Still, when we both turned left out of the parking lot, I intentionally switched lanes and let them get ahead of us so it wouldn't feel like we were following them. No sense in pushing my luck.

Saturday, March 6, 2021

The BRIGHT SPOT Awards: Day 009

Friday, February 12, 2021

Murray the dog and his human, Laura @ Stella's Coffee, Platt Park

No explanation required. Just know that the picture does not do him justice. 💓

The BRIGHT SPOT Awards: Day 008

Thursday, February 11, 2021

Chris M. and the crew @ Colore Italian Restaurant & Pizzeria, Denver

Five Reasons Chris / His Crew Deserves This Award

  1. Look at the guy. Even masked up, you can tell he's smiling. He loves his work, especially the part where he can go around to the tables and chat with his customers. (As you can well imagine, the pandemic has been hard on him and the business. And still he smiles.)
  2. The food and atmosphere are excellent.
  3. He's a fellow fohmah New Englandah and it's fun to break into a wikkid Massachusetts accent with him.
  4. The service is fantastic. Seriously, where does he find all these nice people?
  5. Prior to the pandemic closures, for...eight years? ten years?...he had allowed a group of musicians who took classes at Swallow Hill to stay after hours on Wednesday nights to sit around, have a few drinks, and jam. Ask any of these regulars and they will tell you that those evenings were the highlights of their weeks and their lives. I will tell you that those evenings allowed me to meet people who have become my most beloved friends. It has meant the world to us for him to be to so generous with his time.

Thank you again, Chris & company, from the bottom of my heart.

The BRIGHT SPOT Awards: Day 007

Wednesday, February 10, 2021

The older gentleman at Duffeyroll Cafe Bakery, Platt Park, Denver

I am replaying the scene in my mind: man walks into cafe, man places order, man sits down at a table.
There were no grand gestures or anything particularly dramatic on offer from him.
Friendly chatter with the staff, a "hello" to one patron, a nod to another.
So, why the award?
Simple acknowledgement.
It used to be a social requirement: you pass someone, you extend a greeting. I don't know when we decided that it wasn't necessary, but I think maybe it was a misstep to let these small niceties fall by the wayside.

I wrote the note, put it on his table, and walked away.

"Dear Sir,
Your friendly manner was a bright spot in my day -- 
Thank You!

With gratitude,

Sometimes it's the little things.