Monday, March 15, 2021

The BRIGHT SPOT Awards: Day 020

Friday, February 26, 2021

The family of four, Park Burger, Platt Park

Said family was sitting at an adjacent table. 
The little boys (approximately one and a half and three years old) caught my attention because:
  1. they looked like they were the same number of years apart as Tim and Isaac, and
  2. they were acting in the manner of so many siblings, now the younger one wrapping his little fingers around his older brother's neck, now the older brother flattening his little brother like a pancake on the booth seat. 
I couldn't help making a friendly comment.

Me, standing at an acceptable social distance: Pardon me, but I'm just curious -- what's the age difference between these two?
Mom: A year and a half.
Me, pointing to Tim and Isaac: Just about the same.
Mike, from our table: It goes fast!
Mom, looking at Tim and Isaac: They're sitting so calmly...there's hope for us yet!
Me, to Mom: Yes!
Me, to myself: Everything is relative!

Tim and Isaac


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