Sunday, February 28, 2021

The BRIGHT SPOT Awards: Day 006

Sunday, February 6, 2021

Steam Espresso Bar, Platt Park, Denver

Sometimes, it is 7:15 PM Mountain Time in Denver, Colorado. One decides it is a beautiful night for a stroll. One dons one's 56 layers of clothing and wanders around one's neighborhood.

And sometimes, one realizes one is alone in the world. 
The streets are entirely bereft of passing strangers.

But take heart! There is a local coffee shop with a warm and friendly staff who serves up delicious caffeinated beverages. Sometimes, when one is lucky, the local coffee shop has not run out of custard tarts when one arrives, and one can contemplate how fortunate one is to finally understand what Lionel from As Time Goes By was on about.* 
And one decides that the existence of the local coffee shop and its staff is a good enough reason for a BRIGHT SPOT Award.

Sometimes, it is 7:15 PM Mountain Time and the local coffee shop has been closed for more than four hours.
One is not deterred by such insignificant details.
One stands in the light of the street lamp, scribbles the name of the local coffee shop on an already-filled-out slip of cardstock, pops it through the mail slot in the door, and then hurries away.


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