Monday, March 15, 2021

The BRIGHT SPOT Awards: Day 015

Friday, February 19, 2021

Melany, Michaels @ River Point, Sheridan

A search for more metallic pens and cardstock that wouldn't absorb the metallic rubber stamping ink led me to Melany. We had a thorough discussion about writing implements and the search for the perfect match of pen and paper. I showed her my self-designed rubber stamp. She showed me the staggeringly fabulous, 100% reproduction-worthy Valentine's Day card she made for her boyfriend -- white ink on black cardstock, intricately sketched, two skeletons embracing, hand-lettering that looked like bones.

I was energized by the whole interaction. Yes, there was the joy of talking with someone who's as much of an art-supply geek as I am. More than that, she responded as a person and an artist, rather than strictly a sales associate. She didn't have to. She could have recommended the materials and sent me on my way.

The openness with which she shared her work and herself, well, that's one of the little miracles of human connection. That's one of the things that makes life worth living.

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