Saturday, March 6, 2021

The BRIGHT SPOT Awards: Day 007

Wednesday, February 10, 2021

The older gentleman at Duffeyroll Cafe Bakery, Platt Park, Denver

I am replaying the scene in my mind: man walks into cafe, man places order, man sits down at a table.
There were no grand gestures or anything particularly dramatic on offer from him.
Friendly chatter with the staff, a "hello" to one patron, a nod to another.
So, why the award?
Simple acknowledgement.
It used to be a social requirement: you pass someone, you extend a greeting. I don't know when we decided that it wasn't necessary, but I think maybe it was a misstep to let these small niceties fall by the wayside.

I wrote the note, put it on his table, and walked away.

"Dear Sir,
Your friendly manner was a bright spot in my day -- 
Thank You!

With gratitude,

Sometimes it's the little things.

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