Saturday, March 6, 2021

The BRIGHT SPOT Awards: Day 008

Thursday, February 11, 2021

Chris M. and the crew @ Colore Italian Restaurant & Pizzeria, Denver

Five Reasons Chris / His Crew Deserves This Award

  1. Look at the guy. Even masked up, you can tell he's smiling. He loves his work, especially the part where he can go around to the tables and chat with his customers. (As you can well imagine, the pandemic has been hard on him and the business. And still he smiles.)
  2. The food and atmosphere are excellent.
  3. He's a fellow fohmah New Englandah and it's fun to break into a wikkid Massachusetts accent with him.
  4. The service is fantastic. Seriously, where does he find all these nice people?
  5. Prior to the pandemic closures, for...eight years? ten years?...he had allowed a group of musicians who took classes at Swallow Hill to stay after hours on Wednesday nights to sit around, have a few drinks, and jam. Ask any of these regulars and they will tell you that those evenings were the highlights of their weeks and their lives. I will tell you that those evenings allowed me to meet people who have become my most beloved friends. It has meant the world to us for him to be to so generous with his time.

Thank you again, Chris & company, from the bottom of my heart.

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