Friday, April 29, 2022

BSA-Adjacent: Michelle vs. The Moth

Thursday, March 17, 2022
10:00 PM
It was a sign from the Universe. It had to be a sign from the Universe.
Because I could point to several different steps along the way where I could have chosen the other path.
If I had deleted the email -- but I didn't.
If I hadn't scrolled all the way to the bottom -- but I did.
If I hadn't clicked on multiple links -- but I did.
If I hadn't, I would not be staring at this word.
But I did. And I am. And I know, right down to the marrow: I. Must. Say. Yes. To. This.

Have you ever heard of The Moth StorySLAM? It's a live open-mic storytelling event with a theme. People put their names in the hat. One by one, a name is picked, and that person has five minutes to tell a true story that happened to them related to the evening's theme. Ten people will tell stories, and be judged by three three-person teams picked from the audience, and a winner emerges. I've attended StorySLAMs at Swallow Hill in the past. It's a lot of fun.

Thursday, March 17, 2022
10:00 PM, continued
I am gobsmacked because I have navigated to the event page for the next StorySLAM and seen the evening's theme.

As in, the things I have been giving out for the last year-plus.
I show Mike the website. He agrees it was meant to be, and buys two tickets for us.

Friday, March 18, 2022
10:00 AM
Oh, did I mention that the event is tonight?
I sit at my laptop and try to write a cohesive narrative. 
Stopping, starting, typing, deleting.

Friday, March 18, 2022
12:48 PM
What I have so far is a whole lot of blah-blah-blah. I am starting to get anxious. 

On one hand, there's the Taking Risks school of thought. Do the thing before you feel ready, because you're never really ready. 
On the other hand, The Moth's website is very clear: They want participants to be prepared, to have a story with stakes, a story that has a beginning, middle, and end. To know the story by heart but not by rote. To already know their last line. 
I can barely come up with a first line! 
Are they going to roll their eyes at me? Am I going to be that person, the rule-breaking time-waster who decides winging it is artistic and spontaneous, and bores everyone to tears with a pointless jumble of words? Will they yank me off the stage with a giant hook?

I text my friend Jana who says, "Do it!" She gives me a great pep talk with some questions to ask myself that might help guide the story. "Plus I imagine it will be very original." That's true. The odds of there being another participant who has been giving awards to strangers are very slim.

Friday, March 18, 2022
6:48 PM
We are at Swallow Hill. I sign the waiver form. I put the form in the hat, which is actually a tote bag. I sit back down with Mike.

Friday, March 18, 2022
6:58 PM
I have made a terrible mistake. I'm going to take my form back -- wait, where is the bag? WHERE IS THE TOTE BAG? Nooooooooooooooooooo!

Friday, March 18, 2022
7:00 PM - 7:45 PM
[drawing for storyteller #1]
"Please don't pick me please don't pick me in the name of sweet baby Jesus please don't pick me...oh, thank God, they picked someone else."

[drawing for storytellers #2-#5]
In the immortal words of Herman's Hermits: Second verse, same as the first.


[drawing for storytellers #6-#9]
I keep praying that they pick someone else, and they do.
After the ninth person I start to wonder if I will regret not having even tried. The theme is flippin' AWARDS, for heaven's sake. When will I ever have this opportunity again?

"OK, fine. I will do it. Pick me."

Friday, March 18, 2022
7:46 PM
"Our next storyteller is...Michelle Witt!"
And just like that, as if I had put in a fast food order at the drive-thru, my chance is served up in thirty seconds. 
I take the stage and let the french fries fall where they may.

Friday, April 29, 2022
12:25 PM
Man, am I glad I "let" the Universe pick me. 
Something tall and strong has sprouted in my soul as a result of my stepping beyond my comfort zone.
Something I can lean against the next time I'm facing something that seems beyond my reach.

Bonus: Mike, my dear, rule-following sweetheart, surreptitiously made an audio recording of me telling my story, at the risk of running afoul of the Moth Police. I was reluctant to listen at first. In the end I decided if I had the guts to perform in the first place, I could muster the courage to listen to the performance. And you know what? It wasn't so bad. Especially considering what little preparation had gone into it. Granted, I exceeded the time limit, and when I became animated my voice went up two octaves -- still! It's the most perfect example of process over product. The process is the gift that continues to give.

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