Thursday, February 25, 2021

The BRIGHT SPOT Awards: Day 003

Friday, February 5, 2021

Suzette @ IKEA Bistro, Centennial

Today’s recipient was whipping up cones and doling out cinnamon buns at the little bistro at IKEA, where I went in search of tea lights and taper candles.

Cashiers and sales associates hold a special place in my heart. Working in the service industry exposes you to treatment that can range from neglectful to disdainful to abusive, as if customers forget that they’re standing in front of a human being who has a story and has value. When the person at the counter still greets you with a warm smile while the line is five deep on either end, that person deserves an award.

I would have liked to have taken her picture. 
I would have liked to have asked her about her story.
Alas, while well-intentioned, doing so would have caused her delays and made her job more difficult. So I placed my order, handed her the slip of cardstock, and moved on.

It’s not about me.
Sometimes a picture of the parking garage is the best you can do.

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