Sunday, August 10, 2008

First Post Amendment

A wonderful friend of mine read my first post and wanted to know if I really, truly thought my life is a mess. Then she suggested that I do "The Work" (byron katie) around the statement, "My life is a mess."

Good catch, S.A.C. I myself asked the same question shortly after publishing and rereading those words. A condensed version of my check-in:
  • Husband and 2.5 kids? No, but I have Charlie, the love of my life and husband-to-be. I have Hannah and Shae, Charlie's kids, who surprise, amaze and challenge me all the time.
  • House? No, but I own my own condo, which is more than I ever thought I'd have.
  • Fabulous career? Well, I work with Charlie, keeping the financial wheels turning. Now I believe that I can be both artistic/creative and detailed/analytical. That's worth a lot, challenging those self-perceptions. (Although I spoke with someone a few days ago who, when I told her what I do for a living, exclaimed, "Oh, you're one of those people." But the rest of our conversation will have to wait for another post.)
  • Multiple acronyms? OK, I still feel a little insecure about not having a degree; it's a work in progress.
When I started this blog, I wasn't doing a lot to nurture my wild, creative, solitary soul. When I alluded to my life being a mess, what I really meant was, "I haven't been doing much for the care and feeding of my spirit, and I feel kinda crappy as a result." When that happens, everything else tends to look a little bleaker. Things are shifting now, starting with singing lessons. What next?

Some ideas:

*guitar/piano lessons
*solo road trip
*collage night

Thank you, my friend, for reading my blog in the first place. Thank you for indirectly encouraging me to amend the original post. And thank you for your comments. They mean a lot.

1 comment:

Judy Westergard said...

This is beyond a doubt among the top 1% of the the "25 things..." listings. You write SO well! Reading this was a joy.