You may have noticed September 30th has come and gone. I noticed that as well.
October 20th Me: Oh, dear. Q3 came and went a month ago. I should be writing my review now. Instead, I'm writing up BSA No. 034. Wait, 034? I should have given out 75 awards by now! I don't even have 75 awards made! The wheels are FALLING OFF this project!
Wiser Kind Self: Perhaps an extension will help? Your amended deadline gave you until the end of the year. What do you think about giving yourself a calendar year? You started the project on February 19, 2021. You could shoot for February 18, 2022 as the new deadline.
October 20th Me: Yes. Yes, I could.
Then came Isaac's birthday.
Then came Thanksgiving.
Then, the deluge.
From December 17th until January 8th we were preparing to travel, or traveling, or attending holiday events, or tending to sick kids and/or sick selves. Every. Single. Day.
January 13th Me: Oh, dear. I have 36 days to make 53 awards, then hand out and write up 54 awards. That amounts to 11 awards per week! Two or so per day, with one or two days for writing. I'll never finish in time! I have failed.
Wiser Kind Self: Waah, waah, waah. Take a breath, Debbie Downer.
You're busy. Guess what? So is everyone else. Nobody made you take on this project. Nobody made you pack your schedule to the rafters. You chose these things. How about feeling grateful that you have this interesting creative endeavor? You can also feel grateful that you've learned a valuable lesson about time management and perhaps do something different next time, like scheduling time between plans to do absolutely nothing. Or, you can feel grateful that you had so much fun going places and seeing people! (You did enjoy yourself, right?) Or some combination of both.
Another thing: You have not failed. Keep going! Do your best! If you don't finish in time to hit the new deadline, so what? Finishing is enough. And remember, done is better than perfect.
So quit yer whinin' and git to it!
January 13th Me: Uh, is this really my Wiser Kind Self? 'Cause it sounds more like my Wise Ass Self.
Wise Ass Self: Hee hee! [makes speedy escape on tiny bicycle, wearing gorilla suit, gleefully honking old-timey horn]
January 13th Me: [shakes fist] Damn you, Wise Ass Self! I hate it when you're right.
Onward and upward, again.