Four years and four months between blog posts. That there's a record! And one might reasonably ask, "Why bother?"
Why, indeed?
Because: The last time I wrote, I expressed an interest in taking guitar lessons.
Now I am a guitar player.
I know! Who would have thought? I, the queen of great ideas that never come to pass, actually rented a guitar, signed up for guitar classes at Swallow Hill, practiced once in a while, and now can play a small number of songs from memory and a larger number of songs with a chord sheet in front of me.
Naturally, I have so much more to learn. I don't practice nearly enough to get as good as I want to be. And yet, and yet...the difference between being outside the house at the window with my nose pressed up against the glass and being *inside* the house is staggering.
Later on I will wax rhapsodic about Swallow Hill, what a great school, wonderful community, and how many dear people I have met through that beloved place. I will ponder the power of saying yes to a dream. I will probably chastise myself for such a long absence. For now, this will do.
I just wanted to tell you.